Fairfax County, Virginia homes for sale

Fairfax condos


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Search property listings in Fairfax County, Virginia.  Primary residence, second homes, investment property, rehabilitation, condo conversions, waterfront, garden style & low/high rise condos, attached/row house, back-to-back, bed and breakfast, detached, double-wide, duplex, dwelling with a rental, garage/parking spaces, houses of worship, mobile homes, penthouse, townhouse, vacation homes/rentals, multi-unit, commercial, residential and commercial rentals, lots, and land.
Search Fairfax County, Virginia including Arlington, Alexandria, Reston, Falls Church, Sterling, Vienna, Oakton, Springfield, Merrifield, McLean, Lorton, Great Falls, Herndon, Dunn Loring, Chantilly, Centreville, Burke, and Annandale listings.

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