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Purchasing a home in Georgia
Georgia refinance
Intangible Tax= $3.00 per thousand of the sales price
Georgia Transfer Tax= $1.00 per thousand of sales price
Title Insurance= $2.00 per thousand of loan amount
The closing of a real estate transaction in Georgia must be performed by a licensed Georgia attorney. Georgia law generally requires the funds on a purchase transaction to come through an IOLTA program. There are Title companies who do not handle purchase transactions because of this requirement.
IOLTA program is an Interest on Lawyer's Trust Account where funds that generally are held for a short period of time and cannot otherwise generate net earnings for the client, are deposited. The closing attorney must deposit a client's proceeds in either an IOLTA or non-IOLTA interest bearing trust account.
All counties use the same tax calculation for a purchase or refinance transaction. Taxes are collected on a semi-annual basis.
Typical settlement company will charge the following:
Title Exam
Title Binder
Recording- Deed
Recording- Mortgage
Survey (if needed)
$500- $800
Archive and FedEx
Appling |
Early | McIntosh | Walker |
Atkinson |
Echols | Meriwether | Walton |
Bacon |
Effingham | Miller | Ware |
Baker |
Elbert | Mitchell | Warren |
Baldwin |
Emanuel | Monroe | Washington |
Banks |
Evans | Montgomery | Wayne |
Barrow |
Fannin | Morgan | Webster |
Bartow |
Fayette | Murray | Wheeler |
Ben Hill |
Floyd | Muscogee | White |
Berrien |
Franklin | Newton | Whitfield |
Bibb |
Fulton | Oconee | Wilcox |
Bleckley |
Gilmer | Oglethorpe | Wilkes |
Brantley |
Glascock | Paulding | Wilkinson |
Brooks |
Glynn | Peach | Worth |
Bryan |
Gordon | Pickens | |
Bulloch |
Grady | Pierce | |
Burke |
Greene | Pike | |
Butts |
Gwinnett | Polk | |
Calhoun |
Habersham | Pulaski | |
Camden |
Hall | Putnam | |
Candler |
Hancock | Quitman | |
Carroll |
Haralson | Rabun | |
Catoosa |
Harris | Randolph | |
Charlton |
Hart | Richmond | |
Chatham |
Heard | Rockdale | |
Chattahoochee |
Henry | Schley | |
Chattooga |
Houston | Screven | |
Cherokee |
Irwin | Seminole | |
Clarke |
Jackson | Spalding | |
Clay |
Jasper | Stephens | |
Clayton |
Jeff Davis | Stewart | |
Clinch |
Jefferson | Sumter | |
Cobb |
Jenkins | Talbot | |
Coffee |
Johnson |
Taliaferro |
Colquitt |
Jones |
Tattnall |
Columbia |
Lamar |
Taylor |
Cook |
Lanier |
Telfair |
Coweta |
Laurens |
Terrell |
Crawford |
Lee |
Thomas |
Crisp |
Liberty |
Tift |
Dade |
Lincoln |
Toombs |
Dawson |
Long |
Towns |
DeKalb |
Lowndes |
Treutlen |
Decatur |
Lumpkin |
Troup |
Dodge |
Macon |
Turner |
Dooly |
Madison |
Twiggs |
Dougherty |
Marion |
Union |
Douglas |
McDuffie |
Upson |
Document Preparation
Archive and FedEx
Title Update
Title Binder
Document Preparation
$25 per release
Recording- mortgage
Survey (if needed)
Archive and FedEx
Title Update
Title Binder
Doc Prep
$25 per release
Archive and FedEx
Georgia real estate and title settlement attorney
Prestige Title Inc.
Atlanta, GA
Maryland closing costs
Washington, D.C. closing costs
Virginia closing costs
Delaware closing costs